Farmers connect environment and people together with the food that they produce from Soil, Plants and Animals. They have a critical role to play in the overall health regime of a family, community and even country. In India we face challenges of implementation of extended farming programmes due to our fragmented farming base. Still, lot can be achieved by putting a leadership step by adopting framework and moving forward in the direction of One Health view (environment, animal health, food safety). Binsar Farms is determined be an leading actor to begin with scientific, and ethical responsibility in food supply. Health-oriented innovation is complex and subject to multiple variables. Through field activities in Binsar Farms, we explored individual components of the dairy farm system to overcome concrete challenges for the application of translational science in real life and (veterinary) public health. Based on an HACCP-like approach in animal production, the farm characterization focused on points of particular attention (POPAs) and critical control points to draw a farm management decision tree under the One Health view (environment, animal health, food safety). Binsar Farms analysis based on the integrated use of checklists (environment; agricultural and zootechnical practices; animal health and welfare) and laboratory analyses of well water, feed and silage, individual fecal samples, and bulk milk all put together provide a One Heath picture.
Human health, animal health and ecosystems are inextricably linked.

The understanding of complex systems is a condition to accomplish true interdisciplinary approach supported by Data Analytics. At Binsar believe that BEST is a detection of anomalies and be proactive about our actions. Continuous monitoring system build basis of production security, quality and safety. Today Binsar demonstrated that The HACCP-like self-monitoring in primary production is feasible, as well as the biomonitoring of live food producing animals as sentinel population for One Health.
At Binsar Farms, management takes care of its people and animals, healthy work environment with all relevant resources result in happy cows. Cows get fodder from own captive fields, they are free on farm and get quality feed 24/7 X 365 days, they produce milk that is full of nutrition and essential elements, otherwise missing from tied stalls with limited supply of green.
Harvested through clean milking parlour milk reached to VAT, Within next 2hrs it gets chilled to 4 Celsius. It get tested for quality and once tested OK, milk get pasteurised and stored in VAT where it stay next 2-3 hrs before get packed in the batches ready to shipped to you through overnight transports so that you get fresh pasteurised milk in next morning, within 12-16 hrs of milking.
How quality of milk can affect growth and wellness of your family?

Milk is isotonic fluid, full of nutrition (Protein, Lactose and FAT). It is also good food for microbes. Hence it is very important that the intended composition reaches you with integrity of the milk intact. Most of us judge milk by its FAT content, very few are aware about the Protein and Lactose two other component of milk make it whole nutrition for babies, growing kids, and ageing parents. Quality of milk is relative to its analytical testing of Microbial Count, Somatic Cell Count (SCC), Inhibitory Substance (Antibiotics, Pesticide), presence of Mycotoxins in the RAW milk at the time of pasteurization. Presence and quantum of all these determines quality of milk. For your family quality of milk matters far more than composition it, there are no functional benefit of milk loaded with high microbial count. It is even harmful when it contains Toxins or Antibiotic residue.At Binsar Farms, people and processes make sure that you get goodness of the milk, by keeping its integrity intact. Farms’ extensive data analytics program around our cows’ health provide us proactive and pre-emptive feedbacks on various health conditions that can impact milk quality. Feed regime is well calculate and balance to help cows to be in their best health with immunity to disease and invasive pathogens. Binsar runs Mastitis Control Program on its own and associate farmers herds to minimise Somatic Cell Counts in the milk. Binsar Farms along with its partners have one of the best SCC results in country. When it comes to Microbial Count, Binsar and all its associate farmer produce Grad-A milk, RAW milk measures are as good as international standards for Grad-A milk.Milk Line testing, Calibration and Herds testing are very important part of the Binsar Farms processes, Milk get tested every day on farm along with calibration sample testing once every quarter in New Zealand. Milk protein contain many essentials amino acids, needed for body growth, Proteins are most impacted by bad milk quality – Binsar Milk offer more protein than average raw milk (non fortified) available in the market.
To access milk quality report please see links below
check and care

It all starts on a dairy farm near you with a dairy farm who works hard to provide consumers with the best products possible. People are passionate about what they do and care about their land, their cows and consumers like you.
At Binsar Farms, management takes care of its people and animals, healthy work environment with all relevant resources result in happy cows. Cows get fodder from own captive fields, they are free on farm and get quality feed 24/7 X 365 days, they produce milk that is full of nutrition and essential elements, otherwise missing from tied stalls with limited supply of green.
Harvested through clean milking parlour milk reached to VAT, Within next 2hrs it gets chilled to 4 Celsius. It get tested for quality and once tested OK, milk get pasteurised and stored in VAT where it stay next 2-3 hrs before get packed in the batches ready to shipped to you through overnight transports so that you get fresh pasteurised milk in next morning, within 12-16 hrs of milking.
Quality Standards (BQS) for Binsar Farms Dairies

Material, Methods and References
• It would seem most appropriate to test Fat, Protein, Solids Not Fat, Added Water, and Adulterants by the Foss FTIR MilkoScreen on site by Binsar Farms. This would require samples with reference values for calibration purposes once per month.
• Standard Plate Count and Coliform Plate Count can be readily done by Binsar using Sanita-kun and QDLoop technology (, It would likely be cheaper to have bacterial testing done externally by standard plate methods, these cannot easily be done by Binsar Farms. The rapid Methylene Blue or other reductase tests are not suitable for assessing the quality of refrigerated milk, we should use traditional microbiological assessments.
• Somatic Cells could be readily done at Binsar Farms using the DeLaval DCC ( ) It would be better to use a higher capacity lower per sample test method, such as the Fossomatic, at an external laboratory if possible.
• Sediment/Foreign Matter can be readily done at Binsar Farms using the ADMI method ( • Antibiotics and Inhibitory Substances can be readily done at Binsar Farms using Delvo SP or a similar test ( ).
• Aflatoxins. There are widespread reports in the public media of Indian milk being widely contaminated with Aflatoxins, and initial investigations indicate that Binsar and Haryana milk may also be contaminated. We need to be equipped to investigate the sources of the contamination and to implement corrective actions. There are a number of rapid and simple tests that are available that could be done at Binsar but that would be best performed at an external laboratory. Charm Science (USA) who manufacture suitable kits advise that the Nationall Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) are able to test milk samples but they are not sure about feed samples
• Reference tests need to be performed on milk samples once per month in order to prepare samples for calibrating the Foss MilkoScreen. These would include Roese Gottlieb or similar for fat, Kjeldahl or similar for protein, Oven drying for total solids, and Cryoscope for freezing points.
Farmers connect environment and people together with the food that they produce from Soil, Plants and Animals. They have a critical role to play in the overall health regime of a family, community and even country. In India we face challenges of implementation of extended farming programmes due to our fragmented farming base. Still, lot can be achieved by putting a leadership step by adopting framework and moving forward in the direction of One Health view (environment, animal health, food safety). Binsar Farms is determined be an leading actor to begin with scientific, and ethical responsibility in food supply. Health-oriented innovation is complex and subject to multiple variables. Through field activities in Binsar Farms, we explored individual components of the dairy farm system to overcome concrete challenges for the application of translational science in real life and (veterinary) public health. Based on an HACCP-like approach in animal production, the farm characterization focused on points of particular attention (POPAs) and critical control points to draw a farm management decision tree under the One Health view (environment, animal health, food safety). Binsar Farms analysis based on the integrated use of checklists (environment; agricultural and zootechnical practices; animal health and welfare) and laboratory analyses of well water, feed and silage, individual fecal samples, and bulk milk all put together provide a One Heath picture.
Human health, animal health and ecosystems are inextricably linked.

The understanding of complex systems is a condition to accomplish true interdisciplinary approach supported by Data Analytics. At Binsar believe that BEST is a detection of anomalies and be proactive about our actions. Continuous monitoring system build basis of production security, quality and safety. Today Binsar demonstrated that The HACCP-like self-monitoring in primary production is feasible, as well as the biomonitoring of live food producing animals as sentinel population for One Health.